Milk Bath
Milk Bath photography is kinda cool. No, it’s not a bathtub filled with milk. It’s warm water with powdered milk mixed in. For this session I used a big box of powdered milk and threw in some plastic vegetation that we got from Hobby Lobby. The model, Gina, had just dyed her hair blue in some sections so we had a happy little accident where the excess blue hair dye started to mix in with the milk, giving it this an almost sky-like appearance.
“. . . How gloriously the blood stag rises.
sniffing air sweet with supplication
each syllable is a warm caress
each scent a flowered note
sifting softly through air.” ~ Patty M
I approach learning photography like I first approached learning music. Like most musicians, I learned how to play and write songs by learning tunes written and performed by other people. Of course, there have been numerous milk bath photos, so I’m not inventing anything new here. That being said, I wanted to try my hand at it anyway to further develop my skills at setting up scenes. The challenge was to make my bathtub seem much larger and to light the scene properly in such a small space. Probably one of the more difficult shots I’ve done so far. The idea behind this was an emerging fawn, almost as if coming out of a dream, surrounded by good nature. The surrounding fish are often symbols of good fortune and luck. The items were also arranged and manipulated with a golden ratio overlay (which I later took out, of course).