Photos taken during the quarantine lockdown: lonely streets, empty theaters, isolation, and fun things like that.
Say what you want about the lockdown, but it was a pleasure to watch the sunrise from the roof while enjoying a cup of coffee.
Right after the lockdown partially lifted, I worked as a bartender to earn some extra money for photography gear. We were at 25% capacity limits and people were still leery about coming to visit theaters, bars, and restaurants. These images capture the rare moments guests would arrive.
AMC Theater parking lot. One car there.Downtown Baton Rouge. This area is usually filled with people visiting restaurants and bars, but not tonight. This was about a week after lockdown was declared. The Mississippi River levee typically always has people walking together, jogging, flying kites, having picnics, and just enjoying the scenery. However, after quarantine hit, we have these benches by the levee completely unoccupied. In this particular picture I was able to capture the moon above the bench and the bright dot of Venus directly above that. After quarantine started to lift a bit we began to see this: jogging was back on, people sharing walks together again. This has always been an area where people came to enjoy a sunset.